I Wayan Suarjana, S.TP*
Sagung Ari Indah Yati Utari, S.Pt., M.Pt**

*Candidate of Agricultural Products Market Analyst, First Expert at the Bali Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Service
** Agricultural Products Market Analyst, Young Expert at the Bali Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Service

The current era of information disclosure demands the provision of information technology infrastructure, competent human resources in the field of information technology, as well as the availability of sectoral data that can be accessed by relevant stakeholders. Disclosure of information is very important as the first step in empowering and developing the target sector that can become the breath of the people’s economy. Updating, precise and easily accessible data and information at least provide initial assurance that the policies taken by the relevant parties are in accordance with the problems in the field. This paradigm must be encouraged so that the policies taken are able to touch the point of problems that have been faced by parties engaged in the agricultural sector, especially in the downstreaming of the livestock sub-sector.

Nowadays, there is an increase in the types of processed food of animal origin produced by UMKM in the Bali Province. This is a promising business opportunity for people who are still trying to recover from the impact of COVID-19 on the economy sector. Furthermore, this business activity has the potential to absorb raw materials of animal origin from local breeders, absorb labors, drive the people’s economy and increase the variety of food originating from livestock on the market. These potentials must be supported by an adequate information system to comprehensively record data on UMKM engaged in the livestock product processing sector.

Source: Google

In line with this field, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia through the Directorate of Processing and Marketing of Livestock Products has developed a comprehensive information system regarding UMKM operating in the livestock product processing. The information system named SI UPin (Information System for Indonesian Animal Products Processing Unit) continues to be developed from time to time. Bali Province is one of the provinces that includes its representatives in the Technical Guidance and Socialization of SI UPin on 15th-16th August 2019. This is important considering that Bali Province has a big of potentials in the livestock sub-sector, especially in the aspect of processing livestock products which is very varied. This is the basis for holding similar technical guidance in the Province of Bali which involves all relevant agencies in nine (9) Regencies/Cities in the administrative area of ​​​​the Province of Bali.

Source: Authors Documentation (2022)

Technical Guidance for Updating the Animal Products Processing Database at the Bali Province level was held on June 24th-25th, 2022 in Sabha Utama II Room, Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Bali Province on Jalan W.R. Supratman, Number 71, Sumerta Kaja, Denpasar Timur. This activity was attended by representatives of related agencies from eight (8) regencies and one city such as Jembrana, Buleleng, Karangasem, Klungkung, Gianyar, Badung, Bangli, Tabanan and Denpasar City. The committee presented speakers from the Directorate of Processing and Marketing of Livestock Products, namely Mrs. Rini Prastyanti, S.TP who brought material about SI UPin and other related matters. This activity was also attended by Mr. Ir. I Nyoman Suarta, M.Sc (Head of Postharvest, Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products) representing the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Bali Province and Ms. Sagung Ari Indah Yati Utari, S.Pt., M.Pt (Sub-Coordinator of Postharvest and Processing Agricultural product).

This technical guidance was opened by the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Province of Bali, represented by the Head of the Postharvest, Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products, Province of Bali. In his remarks, the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Province of Bali emphasized the importance of the database for processing livestock products in the digital era that can be accessed by related parties. In addition, he also sees that the updated and precise database of livestock processing is one of the bases, reviews and descriptions regarding government policies to be taken in the downstream sector of the livestock sub-sector so as to be able to answer existing problems. This technical guidance is one of the efforts to unite perceptions and collaborative efforts between central and regional governments in an effort to support this program. It is hoped that in the future there will be more UMKM engaged in the livestock sub-sector, especially in the aspect of processing livestock products that can be fostered and empowered to be competitive in the market.

On the first day of technical guidance, the presenter (Rini Prastyanti, S.TP) brought material regarding SI UPIN which included materials (1) introduction to SI UPin (2) problems and expected changes, (3) benefits and advantages of using SI UPIN, (4) the stages of updating databases and materials related to the importance of standardization and licensing of livestock product processing businesses. After the material presentation session, it was continued with a discussion session and practice of using SI UPin  guided by I Wayan Suarjana, S.TP as the moderator. In this discussion and practice session, participants seemed very proactive and enthusiastic to deepen their understanding of the information system. Mrs. Rini Prastyanti, S.TP provided understanding, and responses regarding the obstacles faced in accessing and inputting data in the SI UPIN information system. In addition, this stage can also minimize the occurrence of data input errors made by officers.

Source: Authors documentation (2022)

The next day, June 25th 2022, the Technical Guidance for Updating the Livestock Product Processing Database for 2022 in Bali Province was closed by the Head of Postharvest, Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products, Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Bali Province.

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